Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Through the eyes of a 2 year old

When it gets really quiet at our house, we know Braxton is up to something and start our frantic search. Often times, he won't even answer us when he knows his newly found treasure will be snatched away. As I just went through the pictures on our camera, I found numerous videos of my kitchen counter...excuse the mess...but this one was the best by far. Braxton has a love for the camera...thanks to Papa Leavitt, who lets him play with his. As James would say, no wonder we can't have nice things. He'll be 'REAL' happy when he discovers this post...and I'll be in the 'dog house' for leaving the camera out.


Ker-Dog and the gang said...

I am totally cracking up! What a smart little guy.

onlymehere said...

Too funny! I love James comment to about "this is why we can't have nice things!" Marie says that on Everybody Loves Raymond and I love it bz it's so true! Braxton's a cutie that's for sure!!

Kevin and Tami Scott said...

That is so cute! There have been many times over the years when I found my cameras with pictures & videos that were taken by my children. Just a couple months ago I found around 25 pictures of Caleb's eyes, nose, feet, and so on all captured on my XD card.
I would love to hear about your "Time-Out for Women" It sounds like it was amazing!

Brianna said...

how cute is he?! I love it! And if you're calling THAT a mess... I better clean up my house. :-) My email is briannalynne0318@yahoo.com
Send me your email and then I can send you my new address!! :-) Have a good day and remember that we looove you! p.s. Tell James he's fat!

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

boys, boys, boys! That is amazing he can do that!

Julie and Nate said...

Looks like you have a future photographer on your hands! Very entertaining!

Trek said...

I made my blog not private anymore, so check it out. whatmattersmostxoxo.blogspot.com I need to come over and say hi. I don't get over there much anymore.