Sunday, April 3, 2011

Back To The Blogging World!

  I've been a tad behind in all I've done for the last year...but then James would tease I've always been a little slow! I've been wanting to catch up on here forever. The thought becomes so overwhelming that I just kept getting further behind. SO! I'll just start from where we are! 

  We're excited that James has less than two years left before he can retire from one of his many jobs.  He's now working 12 hour shifts. I've switched places with him as far as church callings. He now has the three callings and I only have one. It's been a nice change of pace. 

  Last summer was spent PLAYING! We spent a lot of time at the pool and different parks. We camped closer to home. James spent a lot of his time off finishing the rest of our basement and we are all excited that he's finished. It took its toll on all of us!

  Two more eye surgeries for Braxton and one baby later, we are finally starting to get back into the swing of things. Since my last post, Braxton had two additional eye surgeries, but we think we've finally got it. YAY! I hate seeing my little man suffer. We'll go for a follow up again in June.

  Brianna joined our little family with a BANG! I was induced  in October . Two and a half hours later she came barreling into this crazy world. Our little acrobat had the cord wrapped around her neck three times, causing a glucose problem, and five days in the NICU. She finally came home, but with oxygen for an additional week. She's our little fighter and an absolute sweetheart. She's been a very easy baby.


Breezie said...

yay! You are back!!! :D

onlymehere said...

Yay! Happy to see you posting. I haven't changed my music in forever so it's funny you said that. The "Leaving on a Jet Plane" Hawaii version will be up until Trav comes home bz it reminds me of him in a good way when I hear it play each day when I open my blog. Thanks for stopping by! I look forward to reading your updates. Do you realize that the pictures are the first I've seen of your adorable little girl?