Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fall Yardwork

Yep! I'm that far behind on blogging...I'm super excited that there is a hint of Spring in the air. Well, barely, but I can keep hoping. The days are a tad longer, aren't they?
I just wanted to post a pic of most of the plants I went crazy buying last Fall. I found a landscaper at Sam's club. I struck up a conversation with her about potting soil and found out she was doing commercial landscaping. She gave me a KILLER deal on plans and I'm excited to see it all come together.
After I promised James we were done planting, I went out a got a few more plants on even better clearance. I created a huge job for me and James to get them all in and run the water to them. We'll see how many of them survived our frigid temps of wonderful Cache Valley in the sea of inversion. I'm way excited to be back outside playing in the dirt.

1 comment:

Missy W. said...

hint of spring....oh you mock me! we have 40 something days until spring!