In the cookies of life, sisters are the chocolate chips!
My Boys
Braxton's Funnies & Brianna's Milestones
Mom says "Can you clear your plate?" Braxton's response, "I preferate (prefer not)!" January 2010
Mom asks, "Whose birthday is it?" Braxton says, "Jesus's birthday." Dad says, "Who is Jesus?" Braxton responds matter of factly, "The one who blesses everybody!" December 2009
Mom is explaining 'Away In a Manger' to Braxton...He asks, "Why does Jesus have to sleep on the hay." I tell him Jesus didn't have a bed...Braxton says, "He can sleep in my bed Mom." December 2009
James tells Braxton to go in and go to the bathroom before we go. Braxton turns to dad and says, "Are you going to come in and keep me company." November 2009
Braxton looks at me as we're eating dinner and says, "Mom, Jesus is a disciple of God, huh." November 2009
James was running down the Tower Falls trail in Yellowstone with Braxton when he stopped and said to James, "Running takes the run out of me." 9/2009
Braxton tells us, "The sunshine goes down, and the dark comes up." 4/2009
I was explaining how Dad goes to work and Mom works at home. Braxton told me, "You don't work, you go to stores." 3/2009
Favorite Quotes/Thoughts
Gratitude isn't a feeling that happens to you. It is a choice about what you choose to see in the world and how you choose to interpret and respond to what you see.
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything. Be the change you want to see in the world. --Ghandi
Chances lost are Hope's torn up pages. --Five For Fighting (Chances)
What you are is what you bring. --Five For Fighting (Chances)
Seize the moment...Think of all those women on the Titanic who waived off the dessert cart. --Erma Bombeck
The love of God is like the ocean, you can see it's beginnings but not it's end.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
My garden this year was amazing! I've never had so much success and had SO MUCH food. This year I decided to put down black plastic and punch holes for the seeds and plants. I LOVED not having so much weeding and the vegetables seemed to really like the heat. This year I did TOMATOES...which we are still eating. The cardboard box with newspaper really works. I also made a bunch of spaghetti sauce. ONIONS didn't do as well as last year because they were slightly over taken by everything else, but we still got a bunch. I also had ZUCCHINI and CROOKNECK coming out our ears. I made Raspberry Zucchini's pretty good. CUCUMBERS have never grown for me and I had a lot this time. Our CANTALOUPE was to die for, very yummy. WATERMELON was good, but not great, I don't know if we'll do it again. PEPPERS I was able to use a bunch and freeze some too. PUMPKINS did amazing. I had 12 orange pumpkins. I had way too much fun this year and I'm excited to see how it goes again next summer. I love not having to pay for produce and learning new things.
Woah you are a serious gardner! I really want a garden one day when we're not living in an apartment in the desert! haha But seriously nothing is better than fresh produce! Good work can't wait to hear what you've got growing next year!
Jacqui: Thank you, THANK YOU for teh picture you took of my kids. That's one awesome camera you have. They gave me an 11x14 for Christmas. Walmart almsot wouldn't let her pick it up bz they said they needed a copywrite release bz it was a professional photograph! Anyway, thank you for taking it. It felt like Travis' spirit was here with us this Christmas when I saw the photograph.
I can't remember if I put this in an email or not but thank you, thank you for the picture you took of my kids. They gave me a n 11 x 14 for Christmas and it made it feel like Travis was here with us :) Thanks again so much, it's beautiful!
Woah you are a serious gardner! I really want a garden one day when we're not living in an apartment in the desert! haha But seriously nothing is better than fresh produce! Good work can't wait to hear what you've got growing next year!
Look at you go! Someday when I'm not in a rental I will give you a call so you can tell me how to do all of this. :-D
Jacqui: Thank you, THANK YOU for teh picture you took of my kids. That's one awesome camera you have. They gave me an 11x14 for Christmas. Walmart almsot wouldn't let her pick it up bz they said they needed a copywrite release bz it was a professional photograph! Anyway, thank you for taking it. It felt like Travis' spirit was here with us this Christmas when I saw the photograph.
I can't remember if I put this in an email or not but thank you, thank you for the picture you took of my kids. They gave me a n 11 x 14 for Christmas and it made it feel like Travis was here with us :) Thanks again so much, it's beautiful!
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