Monday, June 30, 2008

City Celebration

Here are a couple of pictures from my crazy week. I was the chair over the city celebrations this year and it literally wore me out, but it was a lot of fun.
Me and Braxton are at the Sidewalk Chalk Contest. He was hot and only wanted mom to keep drawing triangles for him. The theme this year was "Round Up". I found this cute hat and he loves wearing it around the house.

We had a family swim night for the city. This year Dad was able to come play in the water with us. The last week Braxton keeps talking about going bye-bye in the car to the pool with daddy.

There was a dinner with entertainment. One of James' co-workers was our singer. He is an amazing country singer. We thought we'd make Braxton the star for a minute and take a couple of pictures. He's our photogenic poser.

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