Monday, May 4, 2009

Wow! It's been a month since I posted and for some reason I think I have to have a picture with every post. So...I have lots of fun pictures, but they haven't ever made it on here cause it's more work to load the pics. I took pictures of our family in green for St. Patty's and Braxton eating his ALL green dinner. Lots of pictures of his and his niece's birthday parties. We have more than enough Easter and baby animal days one day now...maybe I'll even get around to scrapbooking them. At least blogging helps keep me more updated...or at least an intention to do so.
Spring is finally here and we are having so much fun playing and working outside. I figure we'll get it out of our system before it gets too hot...then we'll move on to the pool...right? This will be the most challenging year with Braxton, by far. He has hit the independence stage and wants to go off by himself to play. However, I think this will be the most fun year yet. He is so excited about seeing different things and he is SO excited for camping. We can't even say the word without him crying because he wants to go 'RIGHT NOW'. It got even worse when my dad came out this week to de-winterize his trailer and get it ready to go for the summer. We are looking forward to a summer full of fun activities and trips with friends and family.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

That is the cutest pic ever of Braxton! He looks so much like his cute Mommy!