Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Holiday Hello!

I just wanted to get a post on here incase I don't get another done until after Christmas. I'm a slacker...I know. I still haven't gone private either. Today, James was working on clearing the driveway and sidewalks and then off to the backyard to snowblow. He started this great tradition last year by making a snow hill in the backyard that Braxton could play on. He took most of the snow from our backyard and snowblowed in all to the center of the yard. Last year, it was so big Braxton had to have help to even climb up, but this year he should have a blast.
I also had to show off one of my favorite pictures I took today with my new Christmas present. Braxton sends his love with a holiday hello wave. James gave my camera to me early so I could learn how to work things. I'll probably never know all that it can do, but I'm excited to learn lots of new stuff.


Julie and Nate said...

So cute! Looks like your Christmas present works great! :)

onlymehere said...

Beautiful crisp picture! I need to have you and Brianna give me pointers. My close-ups are so blurry.

Lisa said...

That is the cutest pic ever! He is growing up so fast! Merry Christmas Jacqui!

sharpest family said...

He's so darn cute! Your new camera takes great pics. Oh, when you do go private then add me so I can still get on here ok. bonlong@hotmail.com
Thanks. :)

emily ballard said...

Wow, I can't believe how big Braxton is. He's darling. Good to be back in touch. You should definitely come down sometime. You'll become addicted.

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

AMazing picture! His dimples are the cutest!