Thursday, March 26, 2009

1st day of gymnastics!

We decided to try out gymnastics...we thought this would be a great opportunity to help Braxton with a little more coordination and help him socialize with other kids his age. He absolutely loves every minute he is there. The first two weeks I had to drag him out of the building crying. Week two he was comfortable enough to do his own thing and ignore anything the teacher asked him to do. I finally had to go in and help redirect. But after practicing follow the leader at home and discussing the importance of sitting on our squares until it is our turn we did much better this week.


Suz said...

I wanted to put Hayden in gymnastics but I could only find "girl" places! That is awesome! I bet he loves it.

onlymehere said...

Jaque, He's absolutely adorable! I stopped by to tell you that I now have a public sewing blog. It's just showing old projects that I had put on my other blog right now and then I'll show new stuff. I miss talking to you and thought maybe you'd like to stop by there once in awhile. Have you seen Kris Thurgood's sewing sites? She's fabulous and I have links to her on this blog. Cindy

onlymehere said...

Jacque, here's the link if you ever want to stop by. Hope all is going well on your end of town! Cindy

emily ballard said...

My girls took gymnastics for about six months, and it really did help Lucy with her coordination. And that funny comment from Braxton about you going to stores is hilarious.

Lisa said...

Gymnastics is the way to go! I took it for 18 years and loved every minute of it!