SO! Our Uncle Wally gave Braxton a tent for his birthday. Well, mom had this GREAT idea to have a campout in the living room. Braxton has been begging to do this all week and we've had things come up that haven't allowed us to do it 'til now. The night before, we watched the movie 'Despicable Me' on the laptop in the tent. Let's just say, I've been dated! The ground is hard, and I'm exhausted! Braxton thought it was pretty cool, but next time I think we'll include an air mattress and ear plugs. I had put a blanket under us to muffle the noise but by wee early hours, Braxton had managed to wiggle it out from under him. Every time he moved, it made this wonderful crackling sound that woke me up. When he woke up this morning, he asked why my pillow was outside the tent...that I was laying on. I thought it was funny he didn't ask why I was outside the tent. Needless to say, both of us had a very wrestless night. Even though I didn't get much sleep, Braxton was SO excited to have a campout with me. I'm so grateful to have the opportunities I do with my kids. They are my world and it makes the little sacrifices so worth the time that I get to spend with them. I'm going to blink and they'll be grown and off doing their own thing...or maybe think mom isn't so cool anymore...so I'm going cherish what I have with them now.
Waking up to this happy little face every morning is irresistible! |